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About Us

Gac-Artigas Foundation

Gac-Artigas Foundation is a non profit organization dedicated to further the knowledge and appreciation of art from, but not limited to, Latin America, its main focus been the relationship between art and politics and the vision of culture as an agent for social impact.

Our goal is to promote an understanding of Latin American culture that considers its interrelationship to political and historical movements on a local, continental and global scale. In calling attention to such streams of influence, we aim to foster awareness of the transformative social impact culture can have, not just by responding to past events, but by anticipating and guiding collective understanding of events still to come.

The Personal Journey Behind the Exhibition

September 11, 1973. In the copper mine of Chuquicamata, Gustavo rallied his theater group to continue their last tour in Chile. Their final act? A play calling for resistance to the military coup. Libertad-Libertad echoed the cries of young actors, workers, and students. A murmur became a chorus.

September 11, 1973. On the grounds of the University of Puerto Rico, Priscilla marched alongside hundreds of students demanding an end to the bloodshed and respect for the lives of Chilean political prisoners. She could not have known that her future husband was among the prisoners for whom she cried.

On his way to prison in Rancagua, 2000 kilometers from where he started, Gustavo thanked Priscilla before he even met her. Months later, expelled from Chile and under the protection of United Nations, he arrived on rue de Trévise to the first shelter opened in the heart of Paris for Chilean refugees. The shelter, Union de Paris, had an old abandoned theater hall. Gustavo sat in its dusty seats to heal the wounds of his body and soul, and began to dream of his first show in exile: L ‘Amérique latine chante au Chili (Latin America Sings to Chile).

Gamma news agency reporters and photographers came to the shelter in search of the faces that had taken refuge in their cameras during the coup. Beaten into brilliant hues and swollen shapes, the faces had a haunting resemblance to the cubist masterpieces enshrined in Paris’ museums. Reporters also came in search of new faces, faces that, from the silence of a photo, could speak, denounce, and demand.

They found Gustavo in his sanctuary. After hearing his story, they endowed him with the only copy of the diapositives they had taken on September 11, 1973, deputizing Gustavo to bring his theater back to life. As time passed, L ‘Amérique latine chante au Chili began to materialize on the stage.

September 11, 1980. At the Fête de l’Humanité – an annual celebration of social activism in Paris -- Gustavo was conversing with friends near Chile's stand at the International City when he saw Priscilla coming from the Central Stage. There were hundreds of thousands of participants at the festival, but Gustavo could see only Priscilla.

Weeks later she joined his theater group, the Théâtre de la Résistance-Chili, as an actress, (not even Snow White will believe that, and she believed everything…).

For years the troupe toured all of Europe, bringing not only theater but also art and music to every festival, every city, every stage they encountered. Ironically, in being dispossessed of their homeland, they were handed the whole world to dream.

And so this exhibition began to take shape.

After a failed attempt to return to Chile in 1984, these artifacts were kept in boxes that traveled through rivers and over the top of the Cordillera, crossing oceans and continents before eventually finding a resting place in Priscilla's childhood home in Puerto Rico.

They did not see daylight for 34 years until today.


Gustavo Gac-Artigas is a Chilean-American poet, playwright, novelist and theater director, correspondent member of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language. Recipient of the Poetry Park Award, Rotterdam1989. 

His latest novel, Y todos éramos actores, un siglo de luz y sombraAnd All of Us Were Actors, a Century of Light and Shadow, (ENG) translated by Andrea G. Labinger. (paperback, digital), retraces in its pages the human story behind the exhibition "Memorias, geography of a decade, Chile 1973 - 1983". This novel received first runner up award in the International Latino Book Award to the best book in translation from Spanish to English 2018.

Most Recent Poetry Collections

deseos/longings/j’aimerais tant. Trilingual poetry collection. (Ediciones Nuevo Espacio, EE. UU., 2020), hombre de américa/man of the americas. Bilingual Poetry collection. (Nueva York Poetry Press, NY, 2022), confieso que escribo/i confess that I write (forthcoming).

His poetry has been translated to English, Spanish and French and published in numerous digital and print magazines and anthologies in the US, Europe and Latin America such as Latino Book Review, Altazor, Chile ,Revista de la Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española (RANLE), Letralia, Multicultural Echoes Literary Magazine (California State, Chico, Enclave, Revista de Creación Literaria en Español (CUNY), The Chesterton Review (Seton Hall U.), Nueva York Poetry Review, Cronopios, Kametsa, TodoLiteratura, Nagari, El pez soluble, Terre à Ciel.

Anthologies: Segunda antología poética de la Feria Internacional del Libro de Nueva York, 2022, Antología Antología poética LACUHE 2022, Boundless 2022: Anthology of the Valle del Rio Grande International Poetry Festival y Multilingual Anthology, The Americas Poetry Festival of New York 2019, 2021, 2022.

Gustavo Gac-Artigas, Fundación Neruda

Gustavo Gac-Artigas, Revista Altazor

Revue Terre à ciel, poésie contemporaine

Poetry reading. XV Festival Internacional Poetas del Mundo, Chiapas 

Gustavo Gac-Artigas @ Linkedin

Priscilla Gac-Artigas is a Fulbright Scholar, full professor of Latin American Literature at Monmouth University in NJ. She is a Full Member of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language (Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española-ANLE) and correspondent member of the RAE (Real Academia de la Lengua Española). 

She is the author of Colectficción: sobrepasando los límites de la autoficciónIberoamericana/Vervuert, 2022.

Priscilla Gac-Artigas @ Linkedin

Together with Gustavo they have authored and edited several college textbooks for the teaching of Spanish, French and Latin American literature, culture and civilization.

About the Exhibition

Article in The Outlook. Monmouth University

Article in The Verge, Monmouth University

Article in Dean's Digest, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Monmouth University

If you are interested in programming

Memorias: Geography of a Decade: Chile 1973-1983,


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© 2016  Gac-Artigas Foundation - USA

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